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Save the Date! Friend Raiser is coming Thursday May 29th
Jordon Falconio joined Friends - Klamath Basin in October 2021 as the chapter's first Family and Community Engagement Specialist. In this role, Jordon works closely with caregivers, empowering them to access resources and build on strengths to achieve family well-being. "I'm a positive person by nature, and I'm excited to bring positive energy to families striving to reach long-term goals," said Jordon, who earned a degree in criminal justice at Southern Oregon University and has years of experience working with families facing generational poverty and other obstacles. His work supports and extends our chapter's 1:1 mentoring model by freeing Friends to focus their full attention on program youth and by strengthening caregivers' ability to support all children in the home. Jordan enjoys playing golf, camping, and watching sports.
Contact Jordon