Save the Date! Friend Raiser is coming Thursday May 29th


September 04, 2020

Patience Pays Off

Louis* struggles with taking responsibility for his actions and is not always comfortable showing appreciation for others’ kindnesses. For eight years, Friend Andy worked hard to instill in Louis the importance of both.

In June 2020, Andy picked up food for a (physically distant) lunch date with Louis, only to find a quiet house and receive no answers to calls, knocks or texts. Andy left lunch on the porch, feeling discouraged. He got no response to calls and texts over the weekend.

To Andy’s surprise, Louis contacted him the next week to admit that he had slept through the scheduled visit. In a breakthrough moment of self-reflection, Louis expressed gratitude for Andi’s effort and regret for his own failure to communicate.

The pair’s next visit was successful and full of open conversation — another step forward in Louis’s development of character assets that will last a lifetime.

*Youth's name changed to protect their identity